Here's Marion's father Bolo. I've tried to make a few portraits of him in the past, this is definitely the best yet. Be sure to check out his one of a kind furniture here.
Aurelio Bolognesi
Not sure if I posted anything about Addie's bar in Brooklyn that she opened a few months ago. Called the Anchored Inn, check it out. I know I've linked this before too but definitely worth checking out, Addie's art work.
Marion has been selling a bunch of new prints, check them out here.
Some new folk this year included James. Great dude, awesome addition to this year's trip.
I don't think I've given any attention yet to Jon's new site on my blog. His found object sculpture work is really amazing. Check it out here.
Steve and Kris hanging out on the porch.
We only had one day of rain which I kind of liked, changes things up a bit.
James napping
Ago with his "catch" of the day.
Steve has been doing some cool stuff lately as well. Just helped brand a candy shop in BK. Check it out here.
Another rainy picture of the lake.
Jon and Sandy got engaged a few weeks ago! A huge congrats to them. Love those guys.
Jon & Sandy
Ago on his "MOTO bike"
Nick, Naomi, and Sadie came on the last day. Always good to see them. I've photographed them here for the past three years now and its been cool to document that. First photo was no baby, second was pregnant, and now with little Sadie Lou.
Nick, Naomi, and Sadie Lou
Not everyone, but almost…
People come and go during the week so it tough. Every year we say we're not going to miss anyone, even with the help of photoshop some people didn't get a chance to be in the photo. There's always next year.
More photos here.
Big thank you to Marion, Wendy, and Bolo for making this happen every year. I can't believe its going to be 10 years soon. Love and miss you all, can't wait for next year!!!
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