While there we really just talked a lot, reminiscing about the past and my grandfather. Looking at the photos now I didn't shoot anything that related to him. Kind of weird, I guess in a typical art school mentality the assignment you would give yourself would have been to shoot evidence of his past existence: his chair, photos of him, etc., but thats not what I did. I photographed my Nana, as much as she would let me anyway.
I assumed that she would have taken over my grandfather's chair, but she still uses hers. I can remember this chair for as long as I can think back.
My Nana's chair
Brooksville, FL
The first day I was there I just did stuff around the house for her, change fire alarm batteries, replaced her doorbell, etc. On the second day we went to Pine Island, a small man made beach on The Gulf. The water is so shallow for such a far distance there, you would walk out for at least a mile and not go past your chest.
Pine Island, Florida
My grandmother, Nana
June Callahan
Pine Island, Florida
She's worn this necklace for years, its built up over time, started with one of the fish.
My grandmother's necklace
Pine Island, FL
Normally I'd never throw something in the foreground like this but I dig it. Happy accident, I was setting up the camera for a self timer shot of the two of us and this was the test snap.
June Callahan
Pine Island, FL
It was a great trip, I got to see my Aunt and Uncle as well. My whole time in Florida was really mellow and it was a good trip to clear my head a bit.
Supposedly you can get arrested for taking pictures like this now.
Tampa Airport
Tampa, Florida
Kate in elevator at LAX
Los Angeles, CA
This might be my last post for a week or so, I got some tests in the works and finally someone got back to me on a project idea I have. 4x5 camera is loaded and ready to go as well. I'm hoping to make a few pictures on Sunday with it.