I photographed some old friends of mine Leah and Vanessa Hayes. They are both in a band called Scary Mansion definitely worth a listen. Check their MySpace page
here. Also Leah is an amazing illustrator, see her work
here. We hung out a few hours yesterday. I shot a bunch of film as well and some 4x5, hope to get that back soon. In the meantime here's some digital stuff.

Leah & Vanessa Hayes
Newburyport, MA 2009

Leah Hayes
Newburyport, MA 2009

Vanessa Hayes
Newburyport, MA 2009

Vanessa & Leah Hayes
Newburport, MA 2009

Leah & Vanessa Hayes
Newbury, MA 2009

Leah & Vanessa Hayes
Newbury, MA 2009

Leah & Vanessa Hayes
Newbury, MA 2009
and yes, they are twins.